Márcia Mendes De Luca | Eduardo da Silva Flores

marciadeluca@ufc.br | eduardoflores@usp.br

Involves the development of studies and research related to the aspects of identification, measurement, and disclosure of accounting information. Some of the principal elements are: accounting theory; corporate accounting; standard convergence; social balance sheet (value added statement, environment, human resources); intellectual capital; independent auditing; financial statement analysis; recognition of inflationary effects; tax accounting; corporate governance. If the authors have doubts about the compliance of their works with the research guidelines of the journal, they may contact the Editor-in-Chief (recont@usp.br).

Editores Associados Ad-Hoc:

Bruno Salotti Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, SP, Brazil brunofea@usp.br
Paulo Roberto da Cunha Universidade Regional de Blumenau Blumenau, SC, Brazil pauloccsa@furb.br
Orleans Silva Martins Universidade Federal da Paraíba João Pessoa, PB, Brazil orleansmartins@gmail.com
Elise Soerger Zaro Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados Dourados, MS, Brazil elisezaro@ufgd.edu.br

Sponsors :

Secretariat of Revista Contabilidade & Finanças


Prof. Andson Braga de Aguiar, Ph.D. - Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Editorial Assistant:

Guilherme Viana - FIPECAFI, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
(11) 2648-6320

Our address:

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908, FEA 3, sala 118
Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
CEP 05508 010

Office hours:

Monday to Friday – from 9 am till 6 pm (GMT -3).