RC&F grants an annual award to its reviewers.

The best reviewers will be identified in each of the journal’s seven areas, provided that there are eligible reviewers, besides public acknowledgment for their performance.

The general rules are the following:

1. The award refers to reviews elaborated in the latest year.

2. Up to seven reviewers will be awarded, one in every activity area of RC&F.

3. The best reviewer in each area will be identified based on the following criteria:

  • Punctuality in the elaboration and forwarding of the analysis to the journal: 25%
  • Amount of papers reviewed. More than four reviews per year are an inclusion criterion to be considered eligible for the award: 25%
  • Contribution to the paper through suggestions and criticism: 50%

4. Seven members of the scientific editorial board will be indicated to analyze the reviewers’ performance in the areas.

5. The reviews analyzed are made between January and December of each year. The best reviewers are identified in February of each year.

Awards board

Reconhecimento & Reflexão of Revista Contabilidade & Finanças Award


Updated: 09/05/2022

Sponsors :

Secretariat of Revista Contabilidade & Finanças


Prof. Andson Braga de Aguiar, Ph.D. - Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Editorial Assistant:

Guilherme Viana - FIPECAFI, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
(11) 2648-6320

Our address:

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908, FEA 3, sala 118
Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
CEP 05508 010

Office hours:

Monday to Friday – from 9 am till 6 pm (GMT -3).